Windsor’s Unemployment Decreases Year-Over-Year

Windsor, Ontario has experienced fluctuations in its unemployment rates over the past few years. At one point, the unemployment rate had reached a peak of 16.7% in May 2020. It began to steadily decline in the following months. By March 2021, the rate had dropped to 9.8%.

However, when Windsor’s unemployment rate is looked at on a year-to-year basis, we see the region has made consistent progress. And although its unemployment has remained higher compared to its counterpart cities, it has closed what was formerly a huge gap.

As of August 2024, the unemployment rate in Windsor stands at 9.2%, which is currently the highest in Canada. However, with the right policies, continued investment by both the private and public sectors into the region’s economy and the establishment of regional priorities, the unemployment rate can maintain its downward trend.


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